Donnay is alive again!
When I was younger, I always recoqnize this brand as they always have very prominent graphics and guess what, they just came out with a whole new range of racquets! They’re all in 15mm beam with two head sizes (94 & 99 sq/in) and the paintjob & design are solid. Each racquet comes with a customization pack with adjustment weights as well… cool!!They’re very expensive though, close to USD300 per stick. You can order one through . Checkout the pics below & here’s a breakdown on the specs:
99 sq/in:
X-white 285g 16/19, 70RA
X-yellow 285g 16/19, 67RA
X-orange 300g 16/19, 70RA
X-red 310g 16/19, 67RA
X-black 310g 16/19, 64RA
94 sq/in:
X-red 310g, 16/19, 67RA
X-blue 320g, 18/20, 67RA
X-dark red 320g 16/19, 64RA
X-black 320g 18/20 64RA